Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 7 Individual Group Evaluation

Week 7 Individual Group Evaluation

Q Assignment Instructions Week 7: Group Evaluation (20 points) - Each student must complete evaluation and grade is individual. This is your opportunity to confidentially discuss how your group members’ contributions to the group assignment. Fill out the group evaluation linked below and submit it via the Assignment link. Peer Evaluation (Link will prompt you to make a copy. Once completed, select File> Download as .docx or .pdf. Submit this file for your assignment) Group Evaluation due by Last Day of Term. Click the assignment title link above to submit.

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Peer Evaluation This is your opportunity to share individual team member performance with your instructor. Fill out the attached Peer Evaluation chart for each of your team members and for yourself as well. Base your evaluation on how well each team member: was prepared, contributed to the group process, communicated with the team, met team deadlines and contributed overall to the group experience. Please remember to include yourself in the evaluation process. You must include comments regarding each team member. Please keep all comments constructive and professional. Failure to complete the peer evaluation will result in a ZERO regardless of how others evaluate you. The instructor will compile the below information, average it, and award points accordingly in the grade book.